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Canadian (Auto Assigned) (713 series)

1, 2, 3 Compte avec moi  

Cette série colorée introduisent à partir des concepts mathématiques. Comptez par 2s, 5s, 10s, et même tout le chemin jusqu'à 100! Chaque livre augmente nombre de familiarité, de comptage, et des compétences en mathématiques, tout en introduisant des faits amusants sur des sujets populaires de la petite enfance.

2-in-1 Book (Crabtree)  

A combination of nonfiction and factual fiction provides readers with two ways to understand a subject. Read a factual fiction story, then flip the book over to learn fun facts about high-interest topics. Flip-the-book format is fun and interactive.

2nd Street Sports (Shell: Level 1)  

Neighbourhood pals from 2nd Street get together for pick-up games that are always exciting. As the friends play baseball, basketball, football, and soccer, they learn to work as a team, try new things, and have fun. Downloadable Teacher's Notes available.

A Guide to Storytelling  

A Guide to Storytelling introduces readers to different types of stories from around the world, such as myths or folktales. Each title uses well-known stories as examples to illustrate the structure, language, and themes of a type of story while helping the reader discover how to write one of their own.

A Guide to Support Reading (Seahorse Connections)  

This Guide is for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers. Topics include Reading Comprehension, Writing, Vocabulary, Study Skills.

Aboriginal Peoples of Canada  

Learn about the traditional ways of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples in this informative series for young readers. Music and dance, art, tools, transportation, clothing, and housing are some of the topics covered in the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada series.

Accueillir ses émotions  

Il nous arrive tous de ressentir de la joie, de la colère, de la nervosité, de la peur et de la tristesse. Mais comment exprimons-nous ces émotions et les reconnaît-on chez les autres? Apprends à comprendre et à accueillir les émotions grâce à ces livres qui font du bien. Toute une collection t’attend!

Achieving Social Change  

This series tells the stories of important social reforms brought about in history by activism, and which are still of concern today. Each book takes a revealing new approach to social activism, seen from the perspective of those inside the campaigns and describing the changing tactics used to achieve change at different times. Stories of key movements and change-makers will motivate readers to think about the achievements of activists from the past and consider how they can be applied to activi

Adventure Outdoors  

The Adventure Outdoors series explains exhilarating outdoor sports involving water, rocks, mountain biking, and more. The informative and visually stimulating books explain equipment needed, skills required, and safety tips. Stories of true daredevils serve to inspire, and checklists and diagrams help the reader to prepare for such adventures themselves.

Adventurers in History (Grasshopper Books)  

Adventurers in History introduces early fluent readers to amazing adventurers whose exploits changed the world. In these fun and engaging narrative nonfiction biographies, readers will learn about the explorers, see their most notable adventures or discoveries, and understand their lasting impact on todayÎs world.