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Search Results (Found 2776 results)

The Disturbed Girl's Dictionary

Fifteen-year-old Macy is classified as "disturbed" by her school. But that doesn't bother her, she's got more pressing problems. Her best friend won't speak to her, and her little brother was recently "kidnapped" by Child Protective Services leaving her alone with her volatile mother. Besides, Macy isn't interested in how other people define her. Writing in a dictionary format, she explains her world in her own terms, with an honesty that's both hilarious and fearsome. Slowly she reveals why she acts out, why Zane was taken, why she can't tell her incarcerated father that her mom's cheating on him, and why her best friend needs protection . . . the kind of protection that involves Macy's machete.

The Do-Over

After a day full of decisions they regret, teens mysteriously get a chance at a do-over. But will reliving the day and making different choices fix their problems?

The Dozier School for Boys: Forensics, Survivors, and a Painful Past

This true crime story reveals the atrocities at the Dozier School for Boys where, from 1900 to 2001, school officials tortured and killed children in their care. Meet the brave survivors and investigators who brought the crimes to light.

The Fabulous Cakes of Zinnia Jakes

Zoe Jones is Zinnia Jakes, a nine-year old secret pastry chef! She makes the tastiest and most wonderful cakes. Together with her magical cat, Coco, her best friend Addie, and her aunt Jam, they get into incredible adventures.

The Facts About Election and Voter Fraud

In recent years, many states have passed laws to prevent election and voter fraud. Critics argue that these laws make it harder for some people to voteÑand that they are unnecessary because this kind of fraud is very rare. To understand this controversy, it is important to understand the facts about election and voter fraud.

The Fake News Crisis: How Misinformation Harms Society

Fake news is a dangerous problem that affects everyone. It can undermine democracies, negatively impact public health, and destroy reputations. How fake news spreads, the problems fake news causes, how to recognize and keep from spreading it are discussed.

The Fight for Midnight

ItÎs been a rough year for Alex Collins. In the past twelve months, heÎs lost his best friend, become the target of the two biggest bullies at school, and been sentenced to community service. But on June 25, 2013, he gets a call for help from Cassie Ramirez, the prettiest girl in school. At last, he feels like his luck might be changing.

The First Blade of Sweetgrass: A Native American Story

Musquon must overcome her impatience while learning to distinguish sweetgrass from other salt marsh grasses, but slowly the spirit and peace of her surroundings speak to her, and she gathers sweetgrass as her ancestors have done for centuries, leaving the first blade she sees to grow for future generations. This sweet, authentic story from a Maliseet mother and her Passamaquoddy husband includes backmatter about traditional basket making and a Wabanaki glossary.

The Future Is Female (Alternator Books®)

Celebrate the accomplishments of women over the years in this exciting series. Readers discover how women shaped our world through their contributions to arts, science, and politics and how they are continuing to make a change.

The Future of Food: New Ideas About Eating

The world gets its food primarily through farming, fishing, and the raising of livestock. But as global population grows, environmental changes occur, and people worldwide become concerned about their own health and the health of the planet, a revolution is taking place. The Future of Food: New Ideas About Eating explores changing views of food and food production. Topics covered include sustainable agriculture, meat alternatives, and genetic engineering.