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The Lamplighter

In a quaint 19th century whaling village, a young woman seeks to expose the dark truth behind the villageÎs eerie disappearances at the risk of the lives of everyone she loves...assuming anyone will listen to a female in the first place.

The Lemonade Hurricane: A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation

Henry is a lot of fun when he's not storming through the house, so Emma decides to teach him how to be still. By showing him how to sit, bow, and breathe, Emma is able to calm the hurricane within Henry. A perfect introduction to meditation for young readers, presented in a captivating story. In Planting Seeds, Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teaches that by sitting still and meditating, the mind can become clear. Like Hanh's apple juice story, when a glass of lemonade is stirred, the pulp swirls around. When it sits quietly, the pulp settles and the liquid becomes clear. In this way, a glass of lemonade is a metaphor for how meditation and mindfulness work. That is why this book is called The Lemonade Hurricane. Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps us tame the hurricane within.

The Life and Times of Sir Wilfrid Laurier

“I am branded in Québec as a traitor to the French, and in Ontario as a traitor to the English. In Québec, I am branded as a jingo, and in Ontario as a separatist. In Québec, I am attacked as an Imperialist, and in Ontario as an anti-Imperialist. I am neither. I am a Canadian.” The words of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada’s first francophone Prime Minister, still resonate today. Faced with the monumental task of rebuilding a young nation at a time of great divide, Wilfrid encountered many challenges as he fought to bring the French and English together through compromise. It is a legacy that changed the country forever. This is the in-depth story of one of Canada’s greatest leaders, from childhood to his twilight years.

The Life Heroic: How To Unleash Your Most Amazing Self

Heroes are superhuman. Or at least it's easy to assume that when you read ripped-from-the-news stories of derring-do. But in reality, almost anyone who's motivated can be a hero, and the heroes who make the biggest impact aren't always the ones who make headlines. This approachable, research-backed guide will equip kids with the tools they need to become everyday heroes. Along the way, you'll hear from real heroes living out the truth of psychologist Phil Zimbardo's words: "Most heroes are ordinary. It's the act of heroism that's extraordinary.

The Little Pirate Queen

Lucy sails across the sea fixing and mending her small rickety raft, hoping to reach Far Away Island. When a gigantic wave sweeps all the other children away, except Lucy, The Little Pirate Queen is determined to rescue everyone no matter what. A story about resilience, empowerment and compassion, beautifully written and illustrated by Sally Anne Garland.

The Lost Forest: An Unexpected Discovery Beneath the Waves

Take a deep dive with scientists exploring a sunken cypress forest that had been undisturbed in the Gulf of Mexico for fifty thousand years. Page Plus links lead to videos of the scientists at work.

The Lunch Thief

His mom had packed his lunch bag with two burritos, a bag of corn chips, some carrots, and an apple. Once a week she tucks in a slice of her special lemon pound cake. Rafael saw Kevin, a new kid in his class, sneak his lunch bag from underneath his desk and tuck it in his backpack. But how can he do something about the theft without picking a fight? Inspired by his mother's advice to ""Use your mouth before your fists,"" Rafael bides his time, but other kids' lunches are disappearing, too. On an errand with his mom, Rafael sees Kevin carrying a bundle of laundry into a motel room, and his mom tells him Kevin's family might be one of the families who lost their homes in the recent wildfires. Rafael rethinks his anger. The next day, instead of accusing Kevin, Rafael invites him to share his lunch, letting Kevin know he's been caught, but offering friendship as well as lunch.

The Manic Pixie Dream Boy Improvement Project

Riley lives in TropeTown, where everyone plays stock roles in novels. Riley, a Manic Pixie Dream Boy, is sent to group therapy after going off-script. Riley knows that breaking the rules again could get him terminated, yet he feels there must be more to life than recycling the same clichés for readers' entertainment. Then he meets Zelda, a Manic Pixie Dream Girl (Geek Chic subtype), and falls head over heels in love. Zelda's in therapy too, along with several other Manic Pixies. But TropeTown has a dark secret, and if Riley and his fellow Manic Pixies don't get to the bottom of it, they may all be terminated.

The Medical Revolution: How Technology Is Changing Health Care

Advancing technology revolutionized health care in the twentieth century. The Medical Revolution: How Technology Is Changing Health Care explores the many ways that revolution continues in the current century. The book discusses new techniques for diagnosing disease, operating on patients in less invasive ways, providing care and treatment to patients living in remote areas, and more easily and safely storing medical data.

The Men of the 65th: The Borinqueneers of the Korean War

It was the largest mass court martial of the Korean War, with one of the most decorated regiments in the US Army tried for willful disobedience. Nicknamed the Borinqueneers, the 65th Regiment was the envy of generals and the pride of Puerto Rico. How could a regiment known for honourable service in two world wars lay down their arms and refuse to fight? From their founding in 1901 to their service in the Global War on Terrorism, author Talia Aikens-Nuûez tells the stories of these soldiers, their successes, their failures, and the discrimination they faced in their service of the United States.