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Esta ?ltima entrega de la serie -QuA HacerR mcs vendida abarca los sentimientos de ansiedad de los niuos en torno a los acontecimientos actuales y a lo que aparece en las noticias. Las noticias aterradoras son una parte inevitable de la vida.
?SabAas que las preocupaciones son como los tomates? No, no puedes comerlas, pero puedes hacerlas crecer, simplemente hay que prestarle atenciun. Si tus preocupaciones han crecido de tal manera que te molestan casi todos los dAas, entonces este libro es para ti. QuA hacer cuando te preocupas demasiado sirve para guiar a padres y a niuos a travAs de las tAcnicas cognitivo-conductuales mcs usadas en el tratamiento para la ansiedad. Las metcforas e ilustraciones en este libro hacen que los conceptos y estrategias sean mcs fcciles de entender, mientras que los pasos que muestran cumo hacerlo y las indicaciones para dibujar y escribir ayudan a los niuos a dominar las nuevas habilidades relacionadas con la reducciun de la ansiedad. Este interactivo libro para la autoayuda es el mejor recurso para educar, motivar y capacitar a los niuos para que superen sus preocupaciones excesivas.
Beena loves all things royal, which is why her friends call her Queen Bee! Join Bee on her everyday adventures in this early chapter book series fit for young queens and kings.
Join author Lee Wind on a fascinating journey through LGBTQIA+ history, as he delves into primary sources to reclaim the lives, loves, and identities of historical figures around the world.
Online media is rife with deepfake videos, doctored photographs, and false claims. This book discusses some of the subject areas where disinformation is most common. It provides guidelines for analyzing online information to avoid being duped by scams, hoaxes, and propaganda.
Quick Guide to Financial Skills grounds readers in the basics of finance. This series introduces readers to topics such as insurance, jobs and taxes, loans, and renting. The books are geared toward young readers and some of the unique challenges they face. Each book includes a graphic that presents key information visually, Source Notes, and resources to aid in further research.
A sweet poem about being an introvert in a big loud world. Inspired by a quote from the late, great children's book author Margaret Wise Brown, this poem honors and celebrates the beauty of being your authentic self. Soothing rhymes and soft illustrations convey the peace of being alone with your thoughts. This is a gentle introduction to the concept of being an introvert, as well as an invitation for child and grown-up readers alike to observe and imagine their inner world and the world around them. What can you hear when you stay quiet as mud?
This gorgeous, expressive picture book shows the first haunting days and nights of the war in Ukraine from a child's perspective. The child is scared, but will not be afraid. She believes in a higher power watching over them, keeping them safe--her astronaut. As she narrates, readers get a tender glimpse into a life on the front lines, one filled with love and trauma, fear and hope. A much needed perspective from Ukrainian author and illustrator.
The Racial Justice in America: Indigenous Peoples series explores issues, histories, and achievements specific to the Indigenous community in a comprehensive, honest, and age-appropriate way. Written by historian and public scholar Heather Bruegl, a citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin and a first-line descendent Stockbridge Munsee, the series reaches children of all races and encourages them to approach race issues with open eyes and minds.
Blaming herself for the accident leading to her mother3s opioid addiction, thirteen-year-old Sage hopes to fix what3s gone wrong by visiting her estranged grandparents, where she learns about the complexity of family relationships, the value of forgiveness, and how to find her way forward with resilience and hope.