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Little Car, The

Counting, colors, and food words are introduced as a little car travels up and down hills to bring its friends a delicious surprise.

Little Dandelion Seeds the World

Did you know dandelions thrive on all seven continents? The cheery blooms are among the most resilient and adaptable in the world. In this lyrical book, learn how the crafty plant travels on the wind and hitches rides in all manner of ways in order to spread far and wide. Includes a map and backmatter on dandelions.

Little E

In this story a boy, bored and angry with his friend, gets help from an adult to fix his robot in order to have something to play with. But is everything as it seems? And can a robot really replace a friend as a playmate?

Little Frog's Big Mouth

When someone makes fun of Frog?s large mouth, he runs to the doctor to have it partially sewn up-nice and small. But with this small mouth, Frog can?t catch bugs, croak, or do any of the things he used to do. Eventually, the other animals help him understand how his over-sized mouth was just the right size for him and his needs.

Little Island, The

There was once a farm where all the animals were friends. Together they looked after the farm and each other. It wasn’t perfect and they didn’t always agree (animals almost never do). But the Geese have hatched a plan to leave the farm . . . will life be perfect for them now? A powerful modern-day fable for our times told with humour and warmth, and most importantly, hope. A story of building bridges not barriers, respect not resentment, and of finding friendship, not fear.

Little Kid's Table, The

Everyone knows that the little kids table is the place to be for any holiday or family gathering. They just know how to have fun! This silly, rhyming story follows a group of rambuctious cousins from table setting to dessert. A universal theme, The Little Kids Table will have kids--and parents!--howling with laughter.

Little Koko Bear and His Socks

Koko Bear is fascinated with socks. He loves socks so much that he has no time for friends. One day, when he has no more clean socks left to wear, he carries his socks to the river to wash. He falls asleep only to wake up and discover-no socks-but maybe giftsof friendship instead.

Little Red Rolls Away

When Little Red Barn wakes one morning, he finds his animal friends have gone. He's empty and alone. And then big noisy machines lift him up and put him on a truck. As Little Red is transported across the countryside, down a major river, and through city streets, he feels anxious and a little afraid. Where is he going? Who will be there when he reaches his destination? When Little Red does finally reach his new home in a surprising location, he finds things are even better than before. The story

Little Sock

Little Sock is tired of his routine. Day after day, it's the same old thing. He gets worn, he gets dirty, and he gets washed. Nothing ever changes. The other socks in the drawer don't seem to mind but Little Sock wants something different. He has heard of a place, Sock City, where everything is new and exciting, so one night he makes his escape from his drawer. Will Little Sock reach his destination? And what will he find there?

Little Sock Makes a Friend

Little Sock lives in a drawer with other socks. But sometimes late at night, he escapes through a secret tunnel in the back of the dryer to go to Sock City, a marvellous place where everything is new and exciting. Little Sock loves to visit Sock City but sometimes it can be lonely, especially when it looks like everyone else has a friend. Is it hard to make a friend? And how does one be a good friend?