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Search Results (Found 380 results)

Teen Guide to the Supernatural

A lot of people believe in ghosts; many of them believe they can also communicate with the spirits of the dead. Others believe fortune tellers can predict the future, witches cast magical spells and that Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, vampires, and other eerie creatures are real. PeopleÎs fascination with the strange and spooky shows how a belief in the supernatural has become part of the culture of the modern world.

Teen Guides

Today's teens face and are expected to deal with a wide array of personal, social, and other issues involving home-life, school, dating, major life transitions, finances, social responsibility. These guides help motivate, inform and teach them. These books include many fully documented quotes from teens as well as an annotated list of resources.

Teen Health and Safety

Teen Health and Safety explores important issues that teens face today. Readers will explore the underlying causes of these issues, the ways in which the issues affect teens, and strategies teens can use to protect themselves or get help if they encounter the issues in their own lives. Each volume includes diagrams to enhance readers' understanding of complex concepts, source notes, and an annotated bibliography to facilitate deeper research.

Teen Life Skills

A lot of teens have no idea how to dress for a job interview or how to arrange for utilities in a newly rented apt or how to avoid running up a huge credit card bill. The Teen Life Skills series provides teens with a solid and practical introduction to, well, real life. Real-world examples, relevant facts, and fully documented quotes from teens and experts bring concepts to life for a down-to-earth look at topics including managing money, living on your own, and getting a job.

Teen Mental Health

The teenage years are a time of exploration and change. These years can be challengingùeven more so when a young person has a mental condition or illness. Eating Disorders, Phobias, and OCD are among the mental disorders discussed in the Teen Mental Health series. Every book explains what the illness is, what causes it, how it affects daily life, possible treatments, and how people overcome it or learn to live with it.

Teen Problems

Teen Problems explores the various struggles teens face in today’s society. Readers will learn about challenges for LGBTQ teens, suicide, anxiety, cyberbullying, depression, and sexual violence. Each book includes source notes, a graphic that presents key information visually, and an annotated bibliography to facilitate deeper research.

Teens and Vaping

The number of young people who practice vaping-the use of e-cigarettes-continues to grow in the United States. Experts are divided about whether vaping is a desirable alternative to smoking cigarettes or is itself a serious health concern. Teens and Vaping takes a critical look at this phenomenon and its impact on public health.

The #MeToo Movement

In October 2017 the hashtag "MeToo" went viral on social media and soon became a symbol of unity for women who had been sexually harassed or assaulted. This led to the launch of the #MeToo movement, a global campaign against sexual harassment--and in the process brought down hundreds of rich, powerful men. This book examines #MeToo's history, what the movement has accomplished, unexpected consequences, and where it is expected to go in the future.

The Abyss Surrounds Us

For Cassandra Leung, bossing around sea monsters is just the family business. She's been a Reckoner trainer-in-training ever since she could walk, raising the giant, genetically engineered beasts to defend ships as they cross the pirate-infested NeoPacific. But when the pirate queen Santa Elena swoops in on Cas's first solo mission and snatches her from the bloodstained decks, Cas's dream of being a full-time trainer seems dead in the water. Waiting for her on the pirate ship is an unhatched Rec