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Search Results (Found 574 results)

Teen Guide to College and Career Planning

College and career planning can be overwhelming and stressful, but it can also be an exciting opportunity for teens to think about what they want-and don’t want-in their future. The key to not feeling overwhelmed is preparation and research. Teen Guide to College and Career Planning shows teens the many ways to embark on this process-whether they see themselves going directly into the work world, devoting four years to a college education, or completing a two-year program that will jumpstart the

Teen Guide to Fandoms: Gaming, Music, Movies, and More

Fandom is a subculture characterized by fans who have feelings of empathy and camaraderie with one another. Teen Guide to Fandoms: Gaming, Music, Movies, and More covers the antics of superfans who use their fandom as a creative outlet, producing fan fiction, art, videos, comics, costumes, and songs to honor their idols.

Teen Guide to Finances

Having a solid understanding of credit and debt, saving and investing, and how to pay for college is essential knowledge for today's teens. The Teen Guide to Finances series walks teens through these and other topics (including how to start a business) in clear, straightforward language. All volumes feature real-world anecdotes; quotes; and listings of informative books, online tools, and apps to further a young person's knowledge of money and finances.

Teen Guide to Hobbies

Hobbies can be fun ways to pursue an interest, express oneself creatively, improve fitness, or make new friends. But hobbies can also reduce stress and lower the risk of depression and anxiety. Filled with voices of teen hobbyists, this book explores dozens of hobby ideas for teens and suggests ways to get started or take an existing hobby to the next level.

Teen Guide to Life Skills

Teen Guide to Life Skills equips young adults with essential knowledge on budgeting, transportation, renting accommodations, securing employment and more. These skills empower teens to thrive independently in life.

Teen Guide to Managing Mental Health

The percentage of American teens struggling with mental health concerns is rising every year. Learning to recognize the signs of both everyday stress and serious mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression, can help teens respond in healthy and constructive ways. This book examines some of the most well-studied and successful ways to maintain positive mental health.

Teen Guide to Managing Money

For most teens, numerous financial responsibilities are on the horizon. This can include college expenses, renting an apartment, buying a car, paying taxes, and even saving for retirement. How teens navigate these financial matters can profoundly shape their lives, which is why it is essential that they master personal finance basics early. This book takes a very practical look at the ins and outs of budgeting, saving, investing, credit, and debt.

Teen Guide to Side Gigs: Working in the New Economy

Generation Z is sometimes referred to as Generation Side Hustle because so many are using their skills and creativity to launch side gigs. Teen Guide to Side Gigs: Working in the New Economy provides a roadmap to the best opportunities and provides examples on ways to use social media and other tools to earn money on the side.

Teen Guide to Sports

Teen Guide to Sports introduces the worlds of basketball, hockey, football, soccer, and baseball to high school athletes. Readers will learn about tryouts, exercises and drills, what coaches are looking for in players, and what life is like in collegiate and professional sports.

Teen Guide to the Supernatural

A lot of people believe in ghosts; many of them believe they can also communicate with the spirits of the dead. Others believe fortune tellers can predict the future, witches cast magical spells and that Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, vampires, and other eerie creatures are real. PeopleÎs fascination with the strange and spooky shows how a belief in the supernatural has become part of the culture of the modern world.