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Alien Agent

Who's standing between Earth and a universe full of aliens? Zack Gaither, Alien Agent. Planted on Earth to smooth Earth's introductionto the Galactic Union, Zack and his friends?including the dinosaur-like cadet Vraj and his mentor, Agent Sorn must stop evil-doers from revealing the truth too soon.

Alien Invasion: Sports Edition (Torch Graphic Press)

A spaceship full of alien athletes who crash-landed on Earth offer advice to their new human friends. Whether it's confidence building, dealing with a bully, or just figuring out how to be a good teammate, Alien Invasion: Sports Edition will give readers the clues they need to deal with whatever comes their way.

Alien Investigation: Searching for the Truth about UFOs and Aliens

Imagine . . . you're in the woods after dark. Eerie green lights appear in the distance. Then there's a sudden flash and everything is dark again. You decide to take a closer look. You come upon a saucer-shaped craft hovering silently just above the ground. You reach out to touch it, but the object suddenly shoots up into the sky. Have you just seen a UFO? Some people say they have had experiences like this. Are they telling the truth? To find out, Kelly Milner Halls investigated stories of eyew

Aliens Among Us: The Evidence (21st Century Skills Library)

For years, the possibility of alien life was a science fiction idea, a potential hoax, or a government cover-up inside of Area 51. Then, in 2020, it happened. The Department of Defense released footage of "unidentified aerial phenomena." Other life is out there, and science is leading the way to prove it. The next generation of STEM is here.


Are we alone in the universe or not? Since ancient times, people have looked to the stars and pondered this question. This high-interest series explores our fascination with extraterrestrial beings and how they are imagined and portrayed, reports of encounters, attempts to communicate, and much more. Includes bonus web features.

All About Anime and Manga

Anime and manga originated in Japan, but they are enjoying unprecedented, global popularity. The All About Anime and Manga series discusses the art, the artists, origins and evolving styles, and the legions of devoted fans who keep anime and manga at the forefront of popular culture.

All About Sharks (BrightPoint Press)

All About Sharks introduces readers to the fascinating world of sharks. The books examine the biology of sharks, weird and prehistoric sharks, endangered shark species, and shark attacks. Each book includes a graphic that presents key information visually, source notes, and resources to aid in further research.

All of a Sudden and Forever: Help and Healing after the Oklahoma City Bombing

Sometimes things happen that are scary or sad, and it's not always easy to know what to do. But, even in a bad situation, life finds a way to move forward, and people help and connect with each other, too. Years ago, a tree continued to grow, even in the shadow of a terrible act. People took care of it, and each other, and grew seedlings from the tree. Those seedlings became gifts to comfort people who needed them. Today, the tree still offers solace to everyone around the world who are grapplin

All the Feelings under the Sun: How to Deal with Climate Change

This timely, thoughtful book will help young readers work through their feelings of anxiety about climate change. Through informative text and activities, the book provides children with age-appropriate information about the climate crisis and gives them the tools they need to manage their anxiety and work toward making change.

All Things Anime and Manga

All Things Anime and Manga offers teens a close-up look at the vast and ever-changing worlds of anime and manga and the many genres that make up those worlds. The series also includes a cultural guide that will help teens navigate and understand the many cultural references from folklore, history, and daily life that appear throughout their favourite stories and artwork.