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Search Results (Found 574 results)

Animals with Jobs: Putting Instinct and Training to Work

For centuries, animals have worked alongside their human partners. Using their sharp senses, instincts, and training, animals provide transportation, guidance and assistance, safety and rescue, therapy, entertainment, and more. In these jobs, animals have proven to be invaluable partners to people worldwide.

Antisemitism: Hatred on the Rise

Anti-Semitism has been called the Ìoldest hatred,Ê as it has endured from ancient times to the present day. The resurgence of White supremacy and neo-Nazism, as well as the conflict between Israel and Hamas, have brought an increase in harassment and discrimination of Jews. Against this background, there are many courageous groups dedicated to ending Anti-Semitism.

Art of Running Away, The

Twelve-year-old Maisie is an artist. When she?s in front of her sketchbook or apprenticing at Glenna?s Portraits, the family-run art shop her grandmother started, the world makes sense. She doesn?t think about Calum, her brother who mysteriously left home and cut ties with her family six years ago, or her parents? insistence that she ôbroaden her horizonsö and try something new-something that isn?t art.

Art Scene

The art world is ever changing. Although painting and sculpture still have a strong following, many of today's artists are making names for themselves in other art forms including animation, tattoo, and even graffiti. The Art Scene series focuses onwhat some of today's new artists are doing, what they seek to communicate through their art, and how they are using new techniques and technology to create and promote their work. Each book introduces readers to influential artists and presents brief

Artificial Intelligence: Promise and Peril

Rapid advances in artificial intelligence or AI are changing everyday life in the United States and around the world. Artificial Intelligence: Promise and Peril examines how the technology began and how it is affecting home life, medical care, business activity, and military strategies. It also includes expertsÎ assessment of AIÎs future, including its possible benefits and dangers.

Ashes Trilogy, The

Haunting and apocalyptic, The Ashes Trilogy series, those left standing must learn what it means not just to survive, but to live amidst the devastation. Dark, creepy, and suspenseful, these stories are impossible to put down!

Asylum Seekers: Hope and Disappointment on the Border

Individuals who are persecuted or endure gang and gender-based violence in their home countries face a difficult decision-stay or leave. Asylum seekers travel through dangerous conditions to the US/Mexico border in hopes of finding safety and refuge. This title examines how current events, political policies, and a global pandemic have made the asylum process more difficult. Personal stories of those on the journey help readers understand the people who seek asylum at the southern border.

At Issue

The At Issue series includes a wide range of opinions on a single controversial subject. Each volume includes primary and secondary sources from many perspectives and a variety of sources, including journals, newspapers, books, websites, government agencies, and others. Useful resource information includes an annotated list of organizations to contact, bibliography, and subject index.