Boardwalk Babies

In the late 19th century, there wasn't much hope for premature babies-until Dr. Couney developed the incubator. The device was so new and strange, hospitals rejected it. So Dr. Couney set up a sideshow at Coney Island, taking care of the tiniest newborns as part of a display to convince the public that incubators worked. Thousands of babies grew into healthy children as Boardwalk Babies, including Dr. Couney's own premature daughter. Many of those babies came back as adults to thank the doctor for his miracle cures. Science meets magic show in this fascinating true story.


Grade Level
Trim Size
11 3/4" x 9 1/2"
Page Count
Dewey Number


Colour Illustrations, Selected Bibliography, Author's Note


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Boardwalk Babies97819395476682021 $29.4520%$23.56 Will Ship 4-6 Wks