The Day Little Mouse Got Stuck

Little Mouse and her babies live in the hedgerow. But one day, something big, noisy, and smelly visits their world and leaves something behind. Sniff? Sniff? As Little Mouse investigates a tempting smell, she finds herself slipping . . . and sliding . . . and falling . . . and stuck!She is trapped in a plastic bottle that was discarded by people in a car. How will she ever escape and make it home to her hungry babies? This important story will highlight the dangers of littering and the harm garbage does to wild animals every day.


Grade Level
Trim Size
8 1/4" x 11"
Page Count


Accessible Layouts, Endnotes, Colour Illustrations, Original Artwork


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
The Day Little Mouse Got Stuck   97817885633142023 $31.0020%$24.80 Available