The Invisible War: A World War I Tale on Two Scales

One Nurse. Trillions of microbes. A deadly WWI battle. In France of 1916, a battlefield nurse encounters a strain of lethal bacteria while treating a patient with dysentery. This army of bacteria invades deep into her gut, rallying the resident microbes to fight for their lives-and hers! Enter the phage, deadly microscopic predators, ready to wage war and protect their host. This graphic novel examines what happens when bacteria attacks the body and how the body's defenses respond, drawing upon parallels to wartime combat.


Grade Level
Trim Size
6 3/4" x 9"
Page Count
Dewey Number


Black-and-White Illustrations, Author Biography, Charts, Graphs, Diagrams, Fast Facts, Original Artwork


Titles in This Series (Total of 2)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
The Invisible War: A World War I Tale on Two Scales 97815415452812019 (PB)$15.0020%$12.00 Available
The Invisible War: A World War I Tale on Two Scales 97815415415592019 $33.0020%$26.40 Available