Toby Tootles

Toby is having the best birthday party ever until an ill-timed and unintended toot draws unwelcome attention and teasing. Poor Toby--he is so embarrassed! And now everyone is calling him "Tootles." To get out from under his cloud of shame, Toby goes to visit his grandmother, hoping to get some sympathy and understanding. But as it turns out, Grandma is a bit of a gasbag herself with her own windy issues. She toots not once, not twice, but THREE times during Toby's visit. And she's not even embarrassed about it! But Toby is. He's embarrassed by her and for her. It's only when Toby is facing another digestive episode that he realizes maybe it's time to follow Grandma's lead and not let little things get in the way of enjoying life. After all, gas happens! A sweet and funny lesson on how to handle life's hiccups and other unexpected "eruptions."


Grade Level
Trim Size
10" x 10"
Page Count
Dewey Number


Colour Illustrations


Titles in This Series (Total of 1)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
Toby Tootles 97815341117902023 $26.6020%$21.28 Available