SEL Teen Literacy Library

The SEL Teen Literacy Library is a unique solution that uses nonfiction and fiction to help teens think about and discuss topics critical to successful social interactions and emotional health. With the increase in digital forms of communication and the increased pressures of today's world, schools are facing new challenges in supporting students and helping them learn social and emotional skills. Organized around 12 critical SEL topics that cover both self-awareness and social awareness, this collection of hi-lo books is the perfect addition to any middle or high school classroom or library.


Grade Level
Dewey Number


Colour Photographs, Program Checklist


Titles in This Series (Total of 4)

Book TitleISBN #CopyrightCDN ListDisc. %Disc. PriceStatus
SEL Teen Literacy Library (3 each of 24 titles, 60 Emoti-Cards, 60 Vocab Cards + IS) 97816802173082019 (PB)$1,481.9520%$1185.56 Will Ship 4-6 Wks
SEL Teen Literacy Library Additional Book Set (1 each of 24 titles) 97816802173152019 (PB)$377.9520%$302.36 Will Ship 4-6 Wks
SEL Teen Literacy Library Emotion Vocabulary Cards (60 cards) 97816802173222019 (PB)$98.9520%$79.16 Available
SEL Teen Literacy Library Student Activity Worksheets (Thumb Drive) 97816802173462019 (PB)$158.9520%$127.16 Will Ship 4-6 Wks