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Les Acuras passent à toute vitesse. Les Superleggeras émerveillent par leur puissance et leur beauté. i8s accède à la vitesse de pointe grâce à l'énergie électrique. Ces voitures exotiques et épiques dominent la route. Montez dans le siège du conducteur et jetez un coup d'œil sous le capot pour découvrir comment ils le font.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukrainian President and Unlikely Hero

When the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, Ukraine’s relatively young and inexperienced president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, immediately marshalled his nation’s military forces. From that moment forward, Zelenskyy has displayed remarkable courage and resolve in the face of a brutal and larger, more well-equipped foe. He speaks nightly to his people, millions of whom have been displaced by the war. He visits Ukrainian soldiers on the frontlines. He reaches out to nations worldwide for weapons and other aid. He uses social media to combat Russian lies. This book explores how Zelenskyy, a former comedian and television personality, has become an unlikely hero-to his people and to the world.

Vote!: Women's Fight for Access to the Ballot Box

August 18, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, ensuring women's right to vote. Learn about the 70-year-long fight for women's suffrage and see how it led to later civil rights and feminist movements.

Votes of Confidence: A Young Person's Guide to American Elections, 2nd Edition

Every two years, media coverage of American elections turns into a horse-race story about who's leading the polls and who said what when. Give young adult readers clear explanations about how our election process actually works, why it matters, and how they can become involved. Using real-world examples and anecdotes, this book provides readers with thorough, nonpartisan explanations about primaries, the electoral college, checks and balances, polls, fundraising, and more. Updated with statistics and details from the 2018 elections, the revised second edition will prepare the next generation of voters for what is sure to be a fascinating 2020 election cycle.

Votes of Confidence: A Young Person's Guide to American Elections, 3rd Edition

How did the election process begin in the United States? WhatÎs the difference between a primary and a midterm election? In this newly updated 3rd edition, author Jeff Fleischer explains how the US election process has evolved throughout history and into the present, why understanding it matters, and how young adult citizens can get involved. Featuring impartial but passionate text, well-researched examples, and compelling historical anecdotes, this book will help readers better understand their government, on time for the 2024 election cycle.

Wacky Things

With the Wacky Things series, readers will discover the weirdest and wackiest things about each featured topic. Some are gross, some are funny, and some are downright unbelievable!

Wacky World Of... (Fusion Books)

This world can be strange, absurd, baffling, inexplicable, and downright wacky. Learn about some of the wildest things from making clothing out of old milk to staying in bed for science. A combination of fun illustrations and photos makes this a fun series for reluctant readers as well as anyone who loves to learn about the wacky world.

Wait, Rest, Pause

Captivating photos accompany engaging nonfiction text to explain dormancy in nature. From trees and ladybugs to chickadees, squirrels and even alligators, this book won't put curious kids to sleep!

Waiting for a Warbler

In early April, as Owen and his sister search the hickories, oaks, and dogwoods for returning birds, a huge group of birds leaves the misty mountain slopes of the Yucatan peninsula for the very long flight across the Gulf of Mexico to their summer nesting grounds. One of them is a Cerulean warbler. He will lose more than half his body weight even if the journey goes well. Aloft over the vast ocean, the birds encourage each other with squeaky chirps that say, ""We are still alive. We can do this."" Owen's family watches televised reports of a great storm over the Gulf of Mexico, fearing what it may mean for migrating songbirds. In alternating spreads, we wait and hope with Owen, then struggle through the storm with the warbler. This moving story with its hopeful ending appeals to us to preserve the things we love.

Walls and Welcome Mats: Immigration and the American Dream

Migration is a natural, human act-seeking food, shelter, and comfortable environments is essential for survival. With the existence of national borders, migration becomes immigration-an intensely political issue. Immigration and the history of America are inextricably linked. Author Lars Ortiz explores the history of immigration in the United States from before the country was born to government policies such as the Chinese Exclusion Act to the building of a wall along the US-Mexico border. He also examines thebacklash against immigration that so many immigrants have faced, and the optimism that leads people to seek a better future in a new land.